Leadership feedback

We see it as our task to create a sustainable leadership culture. A management culture that meets changing requirements.

Our task

In recent years, these requirements have changed fundamentally due to megatrends such as demographics, the climate crisis and digitalization, as well as changes in employee expectations. Today, a leadership culture is required that not only meets current challenges, but is also fit for the future and promotes continuous development and mutual understanding.

Our approach to shaping such a sustainable leadership culture is based on various pillars:

Systemic organizational development

We design the leadership feedback tool from the perspective of systemic organizational development. This means that we do not see a manager's communication as a purely individual phenomenon, but as influenced by the culture, practices and tools of the organization.

Expertise in IT and data protection

We contribute our expertise in the fields of IT, software development and data protection to ensure that the leadership feedback tool can be used efficiently and securely.

Combination of quantitative and qualitative evaluations

We rely on a combination of quantitative and qualitative evaluations to obtain a comprehensive picture of the leadership culture in an organization.

Flexible service models

We offer flexibility in terms of our service models. We can act as a full-service provider or work with partners, depending on the individual needs and preferences of our clients.

Our goal

Our goal is to help organizations establish a sustainable leadership culture that is not only up to the current challenges, but is also equipped for the changes to come. By using leadership feedback as a tool, we create a basis for continuous improvement and a better understanding between managers and employees. This not only promotes the performance of the organization, but also employee loyalty.

Possibilities of implementation

Management feedback as a one-off tool
  • Configuration of the tool to suit the organization

  • Data protection concept in accordance with GDPR, based on our ISIS12-certified information security management system

  • Questionnaire: New development or optimization

  • Setup of the IT applications

  • Explanatory communication

  • Data collection using online and/or paper questionnaires

  • Monitoring the response in real time

  • Easy-to-read presentation of results

  • Reports for each manager

  • Guidelines for evaluation discussions

  • Moderation of difficult evaluation discussions

Management feedback as a regularly used tool
  • One-time setup
  • Retrospective and optimization of the instrument

What else is important

Since 2004, we have implemented leadership feedback projects for numerous large and medium-sized companies, public authorities and NGOs. A selection of these is listed in our references. When realizing larger projects, we are always happy to work together with our partners Zarof and ifsm. Such partnerships are important to us, both to bundle competencies and to scale performance (use of suitable coaches).

"What I particularly appreciate about working with Torsten Kauerauf is his flexibility with regard to our ideas and wishes and his reliability in implementing them. When developing and introducing our new feedback tool, there were always changes at short notice, but with Punkt Punkt Punkt as my partner, I can always rely on a quick response. I look forward to taking the tool to the next level together."
Annik Joachim, EUROGATE Technical Services GmbH

Leadership feedback promotes sustainable leadership

Leadership feedback is an established tool for developing leadership culture. Synonyms include management feedback, supervisor feedback, 360° feedback, 270° feedback, 180° feedback and multidirectional feedback.

Many studies show that the motivation of employees and their loyalty to the company depend largely on the quality of working relationships with their direct manager and within the team. In a nutshell: "Employees come to companies and leave managers." It is precisely this topic that is the focus of leadership feedback.

How leadership feedback promotes sustainable leadership

Conducting leadership feedback promotes the future viability of leadership in several ways. Firstly, it raises the question of what kind of leadership the organization in question actually wants to promote. And this is best answered from the perspective of sustainability. What kind of leadership is needed for the organization to be successful in the megatrends of demographics, sustainability, climate change and digitalization? Secondly, the tool provides a framework for a structured exchange on leadership between leaders and those being led. And furthermore, by establishing it, i.e. by conducting it on a regular basis, an organization creates a dynamic towards effective reflection on leadership.

Our attitude and way of thinking about leadership feedback

Leadership culture is always organization-specific. Every organization has a different idea of what "good leadership" means. These are often set out as leadership principles or leadership guidelines. In addition, reservations and expectations differ from organization to organization. And finally, it also makes a considerable difference in which area the organization in question is active, for example whether it is a matter of managers of sales teams or administrative units. Therefore, every leadership feedback is unique.

What’s important to us in leadership feedback

Feedback and evaluation are a dialog at eye level
Certified information security and data protection at a high level
Use of experienced coaches who operate from a systemic approach

Possible starting points

The development of a leadership feedback instrument that is really suitable for the organization and its context can start from various points. Regardless of whether the instrument has already been designed and only needs to be implemented, or whether a concept needs to be created first, or whether individual modules are available (mission statement for leadership and cooperation or competence profile or questionnaire) – Punkt Punkt Punkt adapts to the requirements and uses existing modules. In some cases, it may make sense to develop a mission statement for leadership and cooperation first. In our experience, participation in the development process is a good idea so that this can have a good effect.

Services - what we (can) do for our customers

Full service or partial services

Creation of a concept for management feedback
Software-supported implementation (web-based)
Data protection concept in accordance with GDPR, based on our ISIS12-certified information security management system
Project marketing to employees and managers
Result reports for each manager and selected groups
Evaluation workshops with experienced coaches

Contact us for further information.