Designing a transformation that works for everyone is an enormous challenge for organizational developers. It’s like a journey into the unknown, into an unexplored land.
It is almost impossible to predict in advance which levels of the organization will be affected. The words "deadlocked" or "knotted" can often be used to aptly describe the initial situation. In order to successfully manage such a transformation, comprehensive knowledge of almost all aspects of organizational management is required.
Our approach is characterized by a consistent focus on SMART goals in order to maintain the energy for change.
We take on different roles depending on what the situation requires. We are facilitators, coaches, process management experts, documenters, team coaches, explanatory communicators, project stewards, scenario developers, and mediators - everything that is needed to move forward.
An important component of our work is shaping the necessary cultural change. We know the importance of an open, collaborative culture and do everything we can to promote it. In doing so, we act impartially and independently of special interests or entanglements. Our focus is on a participative approach in which we use connectable methods to actively involve all stakeholders.
Regardless of whether things are going easily or through a quagmire - we accompany our clients. Our goal is to design a transformation that works for the entire organization. And in doing so, we accept all challenges and obstacles in order to ultimately be successful.
Change processes require staying power. Those involved need a lot of encouragement and sometimes also psychological co-regulation.
The initial situation is often characterized by problem-focused language: We are not well organized; We lack energy; Our business model no longer fits; We have no common picture of the future. In this phase, it is important to bring a critical group into solution orientation and to formulate a motivating common goal. And then to create an implementation structure for the transformation project.
Now it's about creating a space in which unlearning and letting go are just as possible as creating and letting go and learning something new. This requires things like courage, daring, exploration, agility, openness to solutions and prototypes.
The aim here is to roll out the new solutions. And to involve many more employees and managers in the process. This requires things like explaining, convincing, making cultural change tangible, readjusting and retrospectives.