Team Coaching to reach the full potential

Team coaching is clarification and change work. We only work on the issues that the team itself identifies as obstacles to high performance and effective collaboration

Our view of team coaching

One of our most challenging tasks is team coaching, which involves leading teams to work together more effectively. Team coaching comes with a particular challenge: it is almost impossible to predict in advance which issues and conflicts will arise during the work. Therefore, the ability to react ad-hoc is crucial and distinguishes team coaching from traditional training.

Our approach to team coaching includes the following elements

Creating a safe space

We attach great importance to creating a fear-free and psychologically safe space. A space in which all team members have the certainty that they can safely address the "real" issues. This creates the basis for open communication and dealing with challenges.


We rely on psycho-education to enable joint learning and long-term change within the team. By sharing knowledge, classifications and explanations, we promote understanding and empathy.

Broad range of methods

We have a broad range of methods at our disposal that goes beyond the so-called soft topics. This enables us to respond to the needs of the team in a variety of ways and develop individual solutions.

Systemic approach

We adopt a systemic approach in our work. This means being impartial and keeping an eye on the group dynamics. We know that every team is a complex system and take this into account in our interventions.

Collaboration that works for everyone

We specialize in designing collaboration that works for everyone


Anyone who has already placed their trust in our work.

"Stefan's workshops are great. With his help, it's incredibly easy to bundle and demonstrate thought processes and formulations in a meaningful way. It is inspiring when all participants in the workshop are consistently enabled to formulate and pursue their goal concisely."
Oliver Reiner, Geschäftsführer der VILLA gGmbH
„We are very grateful for the support and cooperation. Thanks to Punkt Punkt Punkt, we were able to effectively develop and clearly formulate our corporate values. Thanks in particular to Stefan Fuchs' calm and structured manner, we did not lose sight of our goal even during lively discussions and achieved very good results together."
Jens Heinrich, Geschäftsführer der ccc Software GmbH

Possible topics for team coaching

Topic 1

Work on purpose, values, vision, goals and strategy

Topic 2

Clarification of roles and cooperation

Topic 3

Work on dysfunctional communication, group dynamics and conflicts

Discuss your team coaching with us.