People and Culture BarCamp

The People and Culture BarCamp Leipzig is entering its sixth round. In the new round we will be a lot bigger! Around 100 people will get into conversation over two full days.

29. Feb - 01. Mär. 2024
69 € - 199 € per Person
Grimmaischer Streinweg 8, 04103 Leipzig
Punkt Punkt Punkt
People and Culture BarCamp 2024

The theme of the event is "Only courage. Courageous people shape courageous work cultures." But please don't get cold feet now! We need your input on the topic so that we can explore it together.

What, BarCamp? Never heard of it?

Together we are better!

A BarCamp is a meeting for people who are interested in a common topic or have a common background. In the case of the People and Culture BarCamp Leipzig, this is work as an HR manager and an interest in topics relating to the field of human resources. At the BarCamp, all participants come together as they would at a conference, for example. However, the BarCamp does not follow a predetermined program, but you as HR managers bring your own topics. The side effect is lower ticket prices and no advertising content.

At the beginning of the event, a moderator will lead a round of introductions. Afterwards, everyone is invited to suggest their own topics. Are you facing a challenge and want to discuss open questions? Or would you like to share knowledge, learnings and failures? Leading a workshop also sounds exciting? Then the BarCamp format is just right for you!

Based on the interest of all participants, it is determined which topics are included in the day's program and in which room they take place. This method creates a varied program. The agenda will then guide you through the day and you will carry out the program independently. At the end of the day, the findings of the individual topics are briefly presented so that everyone has an overview of the entire range of topics.

A particularly successful session ...

... takes place in a "you" culture. We would like to create a personal and open atmosphere. Please be so good and make sure that all participants have their say and that it doesn't become a one-(wo)man show. If you already have a topic in mind that you would like to suggest, you can already bring theses or further questions for the round. You can, for example, enrich your topic with a keynote speech lasting a maximum of 10 minutes. The aim is to discuss questions, ideas and opinions in the groups and to hold discussions. Finally, collect the most important points of your discussion and write them down on a flipchart so that at the end the participants in the other sessions can get an impression of the new insights you have come up with.

You will find that you can take a lot with you ...

Topics: You are not given any topics and have the opportunity to discuss your own issues.
Practice: All topics are discussed from a practical perspective, i.e. it is not about gray theory, but about actual practical experience.
Impulses: By working together on topics and discussing your ideas together, you will gain a lot of new impulses.
Networking: You are invited to meet authentically, honestly and openly, which is why a BarCamp is a very good networking opportunity.

Please give a big round of applause for our supporters of recent years!

Last but not least: it's also a lot of fun! So come along and let's learn together.

Become a part of our community

Punkt Punkt Punkt ... und du kannst der nächste Punkt in unserem Punktekreis werden. Wir verstehen uns als Community. Unser Antrieb ist es in Verbindung zu kommen, um Veränderungen und Lösungen zu kreieren, die für alle funktionieren.